I know, I know. It's been a while. My only promise is to blog when I have the time and inclination. In an earlier post long ago I tried to explain that the most important thing to me is family ( and I have a quite large one ). So when I'm not busy with family things and out buying, cleaning, repairing and repurposing, I will occasionally throw a blog post up. I do desire to do a better job of posting more often, so we will see how I do.
I love Halloween, I love the fall season. I love the weather.
I made this assemblage to use in my Halloween decorating this year.
I found the wooden divided box at a thrift store. The snake skin and cicada shells were treasures found in our yard.
can you see the dried scorpion in the bottle? It was found that way.

The paper mache skull from Hobby Lobby was embellished with moss, a cicada and a vine crown. I never kill insects for my art. This cicada died of natural causes and was found in our yard.

So until next time, hope your autumn season is fun and fulfilling.
horror pics
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