The whole extended family was gathered to pull the last remnants from the shell of what had been, for more than twenty years, the golden and glorious HOMESTEAD. Almost before the door was closed for the last time on that grand old building, the doors at Carol Hicks Bolton Antiquities, Laboratoire de Design were open, as anyone who knows Tim Bolton understands that the welcome mat is always out and the door is always open.And as for Carol, we all know that her creations do not know the boundaries of such things as hours of operations and official openings and closings. True to it's name, the Laboratoire de Design, is an experiment in fluid creativity,complete if only for a moment, until called upon to become something completely different: an experiment in ever changing creativity So as the light dimmed on a former incredible endeavor a twinkle began to ignite; imagination and creativity joined together........
Somehow retaining the reflection of what once was, yet allowing it to find it's own life, it's own existance, it's own beauty as a new creation unto it's self!!! And all of that takes place before the magical thought that becomes a word that leads to creation...

unfolding like the spring blossom - at no difinable point perfect in it's beauty, but it's perfection is shown in every stage of it's progression.

So, before the secret trail from Main Street to South Lincoln Street becomes a well trodden pathway, take the opportunity to slip in through the side door and behold the wonders that are taking place in preparation for the most wonderous Grand Opening imaginable.
The grand opening with the Fashion Imaginarium by Magnolia Pearl. It is sure to be an evening that will not soon be forgotten. Mark your calendar for Saturday February the 18th at 6pm.
And be sure to follow the blog of the generous and beautiful Anne Lorys ( as she is going to be posting new photos every week of the progress at Carol Hicks Bolton.